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Lama Shri Sadhu Dharmavira

Working to promote ahimsa based dedicated dharma practice


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life is like a star, like a bubble

like lightening, like a cloud, like a flame

like a phantom, like a dream

this is the only news you need to hear


haiku and zen

It has been suggested that I try to write my animal poems in a strict Haiku style of three lines in a format of five, seven and five syllables. I am afraid to say that it would not work for me, as I write them down as they come up, and the whole thing is spontaneous. They do say that Haiku is a form of zen poetry. But keeping to a strict format does not seem very zen to me. Zen and spontaneity seem to go together better than zen and strict format. Anyway, to keep the Haiku aficionados happy I have written a traditional Haiku in Japanese, in 3 lines, and keeping to the 5,7,5 syllable format. Here it is, I hope you like it:




(Lama: 9th May 2024)


my cancer, recap and update

For all of you who are contacting me about my cancer. here is a recap and update of my situation. There is also some information at the end of my “biography” page.

In October 2022 I was diagnosed with advanced multiple myeloma, which is terminal. They did start me on chemotherapy, but I reacted so badly that I was hospitalised twice. They have stopped the therapy for now, and will start me on a different one soon. Due to the myeloma, one of the vertabrae in my neck collapsed, so I can now no longer hold my head up completely straight without more pain, although it does give me constant pain, which no pain killers seem to work on. Also, again due to the myeloma the bone in my right arm broke. After walking around with a very painful broken arm for 6 weeks they pinned it. It has been ok, but is now causing some pain again. They are going to be doing a scan to check what is happening. The cancer has caused a few other problems including a heart condition, which they are looking at. 

I am of course getting on with my life and practice as a monk, and also doing the “medicine buddhe sadhana” Chod and “phowa” practice. Plus a “mahamrytunjaya/rudraksha sadhana” from the sanatana dharma tradition on a regular basis.

As an ongoing aspect of my Zen practice, I am also chanting and focusing on the “Heart sutra” and chanting the “Enmei jukku kannon gyo” sutra of eternal life.

I am of course still available for teaching on a 1-to-1 basis, so please do email me via the “contact” page.


My main regret about this cancer is that it has affected my spine and legs, and I can’t sit on my meditation cushion. I am doing some Qigong and resistance band exersises and working with Vajrasattva, and also with my Yidams Vajrakilyaya and Padmasambhava. I do hope to eventually be able to sit again, and like all Buddhist monks, I wish to die while sitting.  


It is a custom in the Zen tradition, when you are close to death, to write a short death poem, expressing your understanding of the dharma. As the time of my death is unpredictable, I have already writen my death poem. you can read it at the bottom of my “biography” page.

Well my friends, that is my situation at the moment.

My heartfelt thanks to all those keeping in touch, and asking about my health. Past and present students, plus people from various parts of the world.


“too sick to live

not sick enough to die

one foot in samsara

one foot in the bardo

such is my karma”

Please see my situation as a wakeup to you all. Do not waste a moment of your lives, practice hard. Sickness and death are just around the corner for all of us!


It is my intension when I leave this life to spend some time resting in sukhavati, before attempting to be reborn again on planet earth, so that I can continue to help all those suffering in the animal realm.

Practice hard everybody. and please keep in touch for advice on the dharma, or just to say hello.

Remember, there are no good or bad situations, just opportunities for growth!!!




my dharma successor

As I have been getting older, and also suffering from cancer. I have decided that the many teachings I have received over the last 55 years plus should not be lost when I move on from this life..

Based on my thoughts on this, I have asked my student Dr Catherine Meilak to become my dharma successor. She have been training with me now for nearly 9 years, and is an excellent and dedicated dharma practitioner.

I am happy to say that she has agreed. And today 6th May 2023 I gave her formal ordination as a lay Buddhist. She committed to the three jewels and to upholding the five precepts. She also received a Dharma name. I contacted my teacher “Kenpo Lodro Donyo Rinpoche” at Bokar monastery in India to ask if he would choose a name for me to give her. He was kind enough to do this and has asked me to give her the lay ordination name “Karma Yeshi Palmo”.

I have authorised her to teach when she feels ready.and she will continue to train with me as I have a lot more to pass on. She will carry on teaching in the unique combination of Tibetan and Zen Buddhism that she has received from me over the years.

It makes me very happy to know that all my teaching and training will be left in safe hands.

